Sunday, May 24, 2009

Finally breaking down and joining the bandwagon & REALLY exciting news

I did it. Not entirely sure why, but I did it. I joined Facebook. With 24 hours passed as a member, I still have no clue what I'm doing on there, but we'll see. It's interesting at least.

But this is what I really want to talk about. It's in the works and official. I've adopted a puppy!

He is a mixed breed - mostly rat terrier with some wire terrier and toy poodle thrown in for good measure. His picture online is very adorable - his head is bigger than his body!

I will pick him up from the shelter the first week of June. He's in Wisconsin right now and my vacation is approaching quickly. My new priorities include puppy-proofing the house! I have to consider names for him and I'll be flooding this site with pictures very soon.

I can't wait!