Sunday: Opera, Steak, & Karaoke; My Week
On Sunday, it was the Sheepsheadians 4th Annual Day at the Opera. DM, Keem, and I went to see Princess Ida, a Gilbert and Sullivan Very Light Opera (find the group's website here). We met at 2 and enjoyed the show greatly. The first set of pictures here are just the view from the theater (church) of downtown Minneapolis and of the stage during intermission.
After the show, we went to Manny's for the second year. The food is excellent and we had a great time.
The three of us after the meal.
Keem & her steak (left) DM and her steak (right) Nose!
Wonderful, wonderful food. Yum. I'm getting hungry.
This was our waiter and busboy. The service was quite good this time.
Idaho Loves Us
Me - I tend to scare DM and Keem with how much I LOVE prime rib. To me, there is nothing better tasting on this planet.
DM and I went to karaoke after Manny's. We could barely move, but still had a great time with our friends. These are just a couple of pictures from the night. (Dan & DM)