Monday, April 18, 2005

Leaving On A Jet Plane...

All my bags are packed, and I'm ready to go...

Except for the iPod and digital camera (both charging over night), everything is packed up. We're back at my place from karaoke (stories to be written on the plane and then typed up once we're in Portugal). We may be starving (we skipped going out for food after karaoke because TIME. IS. GETTING. SHORT. But I have to do a quick post before bed (DM is getting ready for bed right now and I'm ready to hit the sack for a few hours of zzzzzzzz's).

There's a thunder storm going on outside. Lightning is flashing and it's brilliant. Last night, the fog was thick and made the lights cast awesome shadows. I took this picture from the parking lot of my apartment complex.

fog light 2

We shopped until we dropped (getting essentials for the trip) and DM is putting the final purchases into her bag right now. And in less than 12 hours, we'll be in the air!

If anyone wants to keep in touch while we're on the trip, you can email us at:


We'll both be posting to our blogs during the vacation. Look out world (or just Portugal), here we come!