Monday, November 14, 2005

Always an Adventure

"I'm hyper... I don't know why. Oh yeah, because it's Sunday and the world is full of possibilities and we're at karaoke." ~ My quote from the beginning of the evening.

It doesn't matter how many times we go to the Chalet, it is always a fresh and exciting experience. I know it is because of the people we see up there each week and Sunday proved to be a great time, even though not everyone made it.

When the music stops, there is a moment when the bar is quiet enough to hear the remainders of a conversation. On Sunday, the unexpected word we heard after a song stopped was "hypothalamus". This is not what one would typically overhear in a bar. I found it interesting and it did prompt a minor conversation at our table.

The good news from this past week was that my camera is back in my possession and works. I was able to snap a few pictures at karaoke this Sunday and I felt so happy to have it back. Before I get to the pictures, and who some of the people are, there was one conversation with Bryan I'd enjoy sharing.

Dana has just finished, "All She Wants to Do is Dance," by Don Henley (and did a great job at it) and Bryan walks up.
Bryan: We play this game sometimes. It is me and the angel that sits on my shoulder named Tomax. The game is to decide at whose funeral would this song be most inappropriate.
Angie: "All She Wants to Do is Dance?" Christopher Reeve.

At this point, because we're not acting inappropriate enough apparently, Bryan starts pushing on his palm with his the thumb from his other hand, acting like he's in pain.

Angie: What's wrong with your hand?
Bryan: Oh, it's just my stigmata acting up.
Then he grabs at the side of his chest and walks away on the heels of his feet.

We got to meet a celebrity last night. Or at least a celebrity in our world. A man walks in and Bryan gets a big grin and the huge hand slapping/handshaking goes on. We instantly know that this must be a pretty decent guy. As the night progresses, we find out that his name is Dan Lange and he was the keyboardist for Medium, Bryan's band. We are instantly in awe, knowing what wonderful music this band put together (yeah, I've been listening to the same CD in my car since April. What of it?) We are a bit dorky, so of course we run up with our notebooks and get his autograph. Later in the night, he joins our table with Liz and we talk with him a bit and it sounds like the band may try to get back together and perform a few more shows. You know Dana and I will be there.

Nate, Becky, James, Dean, Barry, Andrew, and Big Wayne were all M.I.A. last night. They don't always show up, but it is nice to see them when they are there. We did get to see Bryan, Liz, Angie, Amy, Sarah, Bennie, Ke, Jay Tyce, Bobby, and Stephanie. Steve also showed up and hung at our table for a bit. For those of you looking for a sighting of Gil, the guy Dana likes, he was not there. We were sad (her more than I, but he is a nice guy).

There were these really scary people who showed up right after Steve left. For some random reason, they sat with us. This has happened two weeks in a row now. The entire bar has about 8 empty tables and the people decide our table is the best. The two women, possibly prostitutes (actually, the guy with them said he was meeting a couple of hookers up at the bar) are now going to be referred to as Nightie Girl (NG) and Crazy Hat Girl (CHG). One of them made a comment about working across the street, which is a park and lake. So it is possible they are hookers.

They sat at our table, grabbed Dana's pen (and tried to make off with it but Bryan saved the day (and tortured Dana in the process)), and then kept leaning closer and closer. CHG took the book that I was looking at without asking (rather rude) and then kept touching me. I was not a fan.

Pictures? Alright. Enjoy!


Angie Ang



Amy singing

Dana singing

Dan Lange
Dan Lange

Steve and Angie
Steve (the team lead, not Angie's boyfriend) & Angie


Angie singing

Crazy Lady
Nightie Girl

Crazy Lady 2
Seriously folks, what is she wearing?!?

Angie and Beth
Angie & Me, you can see CHG behind us

And on the way home, Dana and I were hungry. There are not great options for 24-hour fast food so we ended up at a McDonald's. There was a bunch of construction going on at the location and this sign had us both laughing.

Order Here sign

We did have a great evening, as always.