Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm slightly bored...

You might be able to tell this by the fact that this is now my 6th post of the night. In the previous five, I did nothing to update my weekend or what I did for Halloween. This will be the filler post.

DM wrote about karaoke on Sunday. It was a ton of fun and we tried a bunch of new songs (since the rotation was 4 people for most of the night). I got to sing Ode to Billy Joe, I Believe in a Thing Called Love, and Stand By Me. Those are the new ones I remember. I know there were more. DM's post has pictures.

Also on Sunday I went to my dad's. I wrote a post about one of our conversations so I could play with HTML. I'm still learning. That post is about blood types and located directly below this post.

Today, Halloween, I went to renew my license plate tabs (because the online system doesn't work this year and it was the last day of the month. For anyone thinking there is a 10-day grace period, I'll let you know that Minnesota does not follow this practice any longer. This was confirmed by the long line at the DMV and the agents there telling us all that we were smart to get in today and avoid the $190 ticket.) I ran to Target after to get some stuff for work (if I don't spend the budget by the end of the month, the team loses it). Then I headed to my mom's to help pass out candy, eat dinner (Chinese), and give the pets a lot of attention. Chip had a sore removed from one of his feet today and I wanted to make him feel special. He likes it when I visit because I, unlike my mother who bites them, have fingernails. Chip also knows he is my favorite, mostly because he always was my dog. The other pets were added to the family after I moved out. I like them, but Chip is my baby.

My mom has a rule for handing out candy. If the Trick-or-Treater is taller than she is and/or not in costume, they only get one candy bar. The little ones in cute costumes get 2 to 3 candy bars, depending on what time of night they show up. There are benefits to being early.

I updated my archives tonight. I do that once a month. It's a bit tedious, but I clear my mind out completely while I do it. The feeling of being organized at the end helps too.

The posts I wrote earlier today are as follows: blood types, an essay I wrote in high school about my first car, the results of my new banner election, "Beth loves" meme, and two memes I did about ponies and Disney princesses. Hey, at least it gives DM something to read (since she likes to read).