Monday, November 07, 2005

Favorite Albums...

There's been a few posts where I've spoken about music and the albums that I love. Today I am finding myself thinking of an album that my uncle/Godfather put together when I was a child. It was a compliation of Christmas songs and the tape stopped working years ago, but every time the holidays approach, I think of it.

I'm sure there were at least 10 songs on the tape, but all I can really remember are two songs. One was by Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band and the other was about Snoopy & the Red Baron.

Well, I was on iTunes this afternoon looking for these songs. They do not exist on iTunes. I did actually find them on albums on and I am seriously debating purchasing them. Okay, actually I just broke down (as I was writing this post) and did purchase them, but considering the fact I had $30 in gift certificates (from work), I don't feel bad about it.

I went to my mom's this afternoon/early evening. I also raided her CD collection to see if there were any songs that I would like to add to this holiday CD I'm thinking of making. She had quite a few CDs that I would like in my collection, so I am now sitting here loading them into iTunes. The gems I borrowed:

Lennon Legend - mainly for Happy Xmas (War is Over), although the rest is pretty good
Bonnie Raitt: Luck of the Draw & Longing in their Hearts
A Decade of Steely Dan
Indigo Girls: Swamp Ophelia
Queen: Greatest Hits (another version of something I already have)
Roy Orbison: 16 Biggest Hits
B.B. King: Blues on the Bayou
Forrest Gump Soundtrack

Funny story to note: While I was going through my mom's CD collection, I ran across a CD that was just sitting out without a case. I pick it up and have a complete a-HA! moment. The CD was Gordon, the first BNL album. I lost it years ago and remember spending days and days searching for it. It seems to have been in my mom's CD player. At least I have it back (and I bought another copy a long time ago).