Monday, May 23, 2005

A Cause to Celebrate...

There are a few reasons to celebrate, but the one I want to focus on today is the fact I just had my LAST dentist appointment for a bit of time. I do not have to go back to the torture chamber until September 12th for a cleaning.

The tooth that I had a root canal on about five years ago now has a shiny gold crown on it and shouldn't cause me any problems for about 30 years. This is awesome.

Another plus? I don't have to listen to the assistant talk about Dr. Phil for at least three months!

I had a lot of work done on my teeth this year so far (mainly because my genetics suck, I drink a LOT of Coca-Cola, and I hadn't been to a dentist in a few years). I can now say I have a new crown, I'm missing ALL of my wisdom teeth (that last one was a bit of a problem child), and I found my smile again. As much as I disliked sitting (or laying) in the chair for many hours, I am pleased with the work done and I feel confident smiling and expressing joy again. It's a great feeling!