Wednesday, May 11, 2005

9 Layers

9 Layers of Me… (With appropriate links when I remember a post I've written about the relevant topic)

Layer One:

Name: Beth Brooks
Birth date: October 26, 1978
Birthplace: Waterloo, Iowa
Current Location: Mounds View, Minnesota
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Wheat
Height: 5 foot 4 inches
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Don’t cross me.

Layer Two:

Heritage: Swedish, English, German, a little French, a little Irish
Shoes Worn Today: brown boots
Weaknesses: Coca-Cola. Music. Scrapbooking. My dogs, my mom and dad, and my friends.
Fears: spiders, heights, and water
The Perfect Pizza: Sausage, Mushroom, Green Pepper, and Onions, deep dish
Desired Goal: Being happy. But life is all about the journey, so the ultimate goal is undefined.

Layer Three:

Most Overused Phrases: Okay. You know.
First Waking Thoughts: “My eyelids said 4:30, but the radio clock said six and I was thinking of a reasonable excuse.” ~ Cowboy Mouth lyrics
Best Physical Feature: I’ve been told I have a “nice rack.”
Most Missed Memory: You mean when I was happiest in life? I believe I can always be happy, all I need to do is enjoy what is in front of me. I wouldn’t go back to any different time if I had a choice. I did enjoy my high school bowling days, the summer my cousin, Susan, stayed at our home, my pool hall junkie days, and playing cards at Fridleykins for hours on end with the Sheepsheadians.

Layer Four:

Pepsi or Coke: Coca-Cola! I’ve been addicted since 18 months.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald’s.
Single or Group Dates: All I’ve ever really done was the group date. You know, the group gets together? I think I’d prefer some alone time if I found the right guy.
Adidas or Nike: Nike. If only for the fact I like Tiger Woods and the ads he does for Nike.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: If I have to pick…Nestea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino. But I like mocha much more.

Layer Five:

Cuss: I’ve been known to utter a curse word, once in awhile. Okay, I did learn from my mother.
Sing: Every Sunday. Don’t take away my karaoke! I also sing in my car. I don’t sing in the shower.
Shower Everyday: More often than not.
Ever Been in Love: Yes.
Want to Go to College: I’m still going. I’ve switched my major three times from the original (I think. Let’s see. Journalism, then accounting, then business, and now general management.) I now go to the University of Phoenix online.
Liked High School: Take it or leave it. I did enjoy my friends and I didn’t have a hard time.
Want to Get Married: Maybe someday. If I meet someone I want to actually marry.
Believe in Self: Yes. Except in the dating department.
Get Motion Sickness: Rarely. Actually, almost never.
Think Yourself Attractive: I have a large nose and my hips are way too large. So, no.
Think You’re a Health Nut: Not in the least
Get Along with Parent(s): More often than not
Like Thunderstorms: Love them.
Play an Instrument: No

Layer Six:

In the Past Month…

Drank Alcohol: Yes. I had a Hurricane at Hard Rock Café in Lisbon.
Done a Drug: Does Coca-Cola count?
Made Out: No, unfortunately.
Gone on a Date: No.
Visited the Mall: Only because I needed to shop for vacation.
Eaten an Entire Box of Oreos?: No. I don’t like Oreos or cookies all that much.
Eaten Sushi: No.
Been on Stage: Yes. Every Sunday at karaoke.
Been Dumped: In the past month? No.
Gone Skating: In the last month? No. I haven’t gone skating (roller or ice) for years.
Made Homemade Cookies: No.
Dyed your Hair: It’s been more than a month since Liese did my highlights.
Stolen Anything: Yes. A bolt from a gas station in Lisbon and a cloth on the train to Évora for Bryan. Which is so out of character for me.

Layer Seven:


Played a Game that Required the Removal of Clothing: no
If So, Was it Mixed Company: see answer of no.
Been Trashed or Extremely Intoxicated: Yes.
Been Caught "Doing Something": Kind of.
Been Called a Tease: No.
Gotten Beaten Up: No. I beat someone up in kindergarten.
Shoplifted: Not on purpose. When I was very little, my mom wanted me to have an umbrella. The clerk forgot to ring it up with all the other stuff we bought that day.
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: When I join a new group or new environment, I do tend to be quieter than normal. It is not changing who I am so much as it is guarding parts of myself from others until I establish a trust level.

Layer Eight:

Age You Hope to be Married: 92. Do I have to pick an age? That makes it a goal.
Numbers and Names of Children: If I get married and decide to have children, I would like one kid. If it were a boy, I’d like to name him Andrew Jacob after a couple of important people in my past. If it were a girl, I’d name her Alice Marie, after my grandma. This was something I decided years ago.
Describe Your Dream Wedding: Having lots of friends there, pretty flowers, and Bryan singing.
How Do You Want to Die: Painlessly and with my sanity intact.
Where You Want to Go to College: Want to go? I do go to the University of Phoenix, online. So, should I say living room? I did think about trying to get into Harvard. If I had bothered to take physics or chemistry, I could have.
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up: A banker. Although my dream job would be to travel the world and take pictures. Can I be a professional scrapbooker?
What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: Well, I can scratch Germany and Portugal off the list. My next destination OUTSIDE of the United States should be Italy in 2007.

Layer Nine:

Number of Drugs Taken Illegally: One. I hated it.
Number of People I Could Trust with My Life: 5.
Number of CDs I Own: My iTunes can play for 14.7 days straight without repeating a song.
Number of Piercings: My ears are double pierced. I don’t wear earrings.
Number of Tattoos: One. I have an emperor penguin and chick on my right calf. I would like another tattoo on my shoulder. I still haven’t decided what.
Number of Times My Name Has Appeared in the Newspaper?: Other than high school paper or community news, I would have to say once. I won a contest at work and they listed all the names of the people.
Number of Scars on My Body: I don’t know. None, I think.
Number of Things in My Past that I Regret: The only things in life that I regret are the things I do not do. Well, those and living with Adam. That was not good for my self-esteem and mental health. Biggest regret? Not telling Andriy how I felt when he was here and letting him get on that plane.