Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mom's House

Without the requirement of having to work today, I went over to my mom's. I wanted to see how she was doing with the fact Grandma passed away and she wanted to make me dinner. After a delicious meal of BLTs, heavy on the bacon, we sat around talking. She is doing pretty good and I expected she would be. Our family is known for mourning pretty heavy the first day and then recovery usually comes pretty quick. We try to find good things to remember and it usually works.

I had my camera and much attention and time was spent with the pets. I also took pictures of the flowers that Scott, my mom's boyfriend, gave her. They were originally for her rough time at work, but they were delivered on the day of Grandma's death. I wanted to share some of the pictures from the day.

crab apple 2
The crab apple tree in the front yard is at the end of the bloom. When the winds kick up, the tree will lose all of the pink, but for now it still shines.

Crab apple 1
Our family loves this tree. It is a highlight of spring each and every year.

flowers 3
The flowers that Scott got my mom are on the kitchen table.

flowers 14
This is detail of one of the flowers.

smoke yawn
Smoke, aka Vicious Killing Machine, gets caught yawning.

taco and chip resting 2
Taco and Chip rest together. They have always been the best of brothers to each other. Chip adores Taco more than anything else in the entire world.