Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Why do they call it back to the grindstone?

Shouldn't they be referring to brimstone?

In fact, going back to work after a 17-day holiday was not horrible but I felt completely lost for most of the day. There was good news (and a bit of bad news) at work. The day was a low productivity day for me, but then most of my job involves just talking to people. I guess I did talk to a lot of people and maybe I could consider it productive.

I am only writing about the job because of a couple of things that I wanted to share. Every time I take a vacation where I actually leave the state, our team seems to lose an employee. It happened when I went to Vegas and it happened again while I was in Portugal. There was a guy on our team that I had asked to help out while I was gone, trying to put faith into him and make him smile, but I guess he lost his job the first Monday of my extended absence. I am slightly disappointed in him, especially for the reason he no longer works for NABABNA.

But I did come back to work to find that our team had a fantastic month in quality, the area that I am in charge of coaching. Our team was a 5 in the category, which for non-NABABNAians (I may as well make up a word here) means we did really well.

We also got a new banker the day I got back, a transfer from another team. I found out that we have a couple of people in training too, this is good news since our team got a bit small recently.

I had fun conversations with the team and other managers in the center. I was able to get one feedback session done, read over 115 emails, and catch up on my voicemail. After work, I went out with a couple of the girls to IHOP for mediocre pancakes (the cook had called in). I met up with Char and Tom for pool at RC's (ladies night = FREE), and then headed to Fridleykins for a salad, Coke, and company. The server, Jen, wanted to see the pictures of the trip and had asked me to bring them back the next time I showed up. She had asked this on Monday night. The pictures were a big hit all day and night long and probably the main reason why I did very little at work.

Although a good day at work, it was not exciting as being in Portugal. I think I need a vacation already...