Saturday, October 16, 2004

Stolen MEME from Dana (previously stolen from DeAnn and Frog)

I love these things. Don't ask me why. Maybe because they make me think of stuff to write about and stuff I want to know about others. Please feel free to share!

I got this list from Dana. She got most of the questions from DeAnn and then some from Frog.

1. Tell me something obvious about you: My name is Beth, I like Sheepshead (the card game), and I have a blog.

2. Tell me something about you that many don't know: This is tough. I don't know what people know about me. Hmmm, those who know me in person know my ears are different shapes, but bloggers may not know that.

3. What is your biggest fear: Being seen as incompetent at work.

4. Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut: Probably the safe route, but I drive it quickly, making it not as safe. I like the long road though (only when driving).

5. Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money: True friendship.

6. What is your most treasured possession: A stuffed animal. He's a monkey and named Elwood. I've had him for 18 years and still sleep with him every night. He's been to Germany even! His name is Elwood because my cousin gave me him and he has a brother (she kept him). His brother is Jake. Yes, they're named after the Blues Brothers, which is a movie I've never seen. This may be something I should see.

7. What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often: Sit down and not exercise.

8. What is your favorite lie to tell: "I understand your frustration." This has gotten me so far at work!

9. Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again: Go to karaoke and play cards. I just love these activities. Oh, you mean something that I can't do everyday or week, hmmm, travel outside of the United States with friends.

10. Are you the jealous type: I don't really know. I don't think so, I have so little experience in romantic relationships, I couldn't be sure. Let me think, I usually freak out over trying to be with someone I end up setting them up with another person. I'd say I'm not a jealous person.

11. What is the one person, place or thing you can't say no to: 1) Person - Adam, Matt, Dana, Keem, Scott 2) Place - karaoke 3) Thing - Coca-Cola

12. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you: Sat and talked with me when I couldn't figure out what I felt by myself - thank you Matt for all the times at Perkin's. You are a life and sanity saver. You helped me more than I could ever express.

13. If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be: Buy a new car, but I can't afford it and I'll deal with the fact my current car doesn't seem to like going 50 miles an hour for more than 2 miles.

14. When was the last time you cried: Tonight. I was posting a comment on Dana's blog and thinking about something from my past I'm not ready to talk about on a blog, as much as it would be cleansing, I still can't do it.

15. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered: Last night, sitting with Keem, Dana, and Matt at Perkin's, playing Sheepshead and laughing. Anytime I'm with my best friends.

16. Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on: No. I have enough problems with drunk men being attracted to the "rack" with a shirt on. I don't need more of that.

17. Name something embarrassing you did while being drunk: Well, it's better to say this here than in a separate post. A year ago (almost to the day), Adam and I had a party. I called a guy I kind of liked (he was pretty but a player and I didn't really ever think I would want a relationship with him) for another friend's phone number. I felt guilty and invited him. Let's call him B. B actually showed up. I decided it was time to get extremely drunk. Then I started telling B how attractive I thought he was. You know, "B, you're just good-looking" and "B, you're fun to look at". Notice I never told him, "B, I'd like a relationship with you".

Okay, so B took these hints and watched me get progressively drunker. Before I knew it, we were, um, locking lips. Man, he was a good kisser. At least from what I can remember.

B started to lead me away from the party to my room. We were groping each other when DM helped create a distraction and disaster was averted. Thank you Dana! You are a goddess!

What makes this embarrassing? The fact that B used to work with me and I did this in front of a whole bunch of people I still work with. I did talk to B over email a couple of times after that (he had two other girlfriends when the incident happened - yes, he was a winner! - this is sarcasm) and then I forgot to reply to one. Oh well. Not a major loss.

18. Name one person, past or present, with whom you’d like to spend the day: Keem. I don't get to spend as much time with her as I'd like.

19. Name one place you’ve never been and would like to go, and tell me why: Moscow. I think it's beautiful and I'm fascinated by Russia and the other Post-Soviet States.

20. What’s the story behind your online persona/name: Bethb3386 - aol picked this one for me. Brooksba - a work thing, I'm not overly creative with my name.


At 8:24 AM, CarpeDM said...

No, no, no. Not a goddess. Goddesses have too much work. I am the Queen of the Universe which means everyone works for me. But I acknowledge your praise with a Queen-like wave.

And B? He is so not a part of my universe. He has been banished because he is not worthy of you at all.