Wednesday, October 27, 2004

2:15 AM

It's official, I'm going a little stir crazy.

I went out tonight for dinner with my mom and her boyfriend. That's all I did outside the house today.

I have re-done my blog (notice the shiny new categories) and I've listened to about 10 CDs already.

I even finished up homework for school.

I've only been awake for 11 hours and I'm driving myself insane.

I could post more lyrics to songs, but then I'm slamming too many posts into this site in one day.

So please, forgive me and all the song lyrics. There is one more I need to post tonight. And then I may post more.


At 6:25 PM, The Lioness said...

CONGRATS on the categories, brilliant! I am so annoyed you never got ANY of the e-cards, I used your blog address, where ARE they! One was a plate of virtual raspberry and chocolate cake; one was a cute logical figure, a moebius strip only solid (I'm pretty sure that's what it looked like anyway), and the other one was a wonderful winged pic from Romeo and juliet (w Dicaprio and Danes). Damn it.

At 7:26 PM, brooksba said...

Thanks for the thought. I appreciate it. I'm sorry I never got the cards. I don't know what happened.

I'm glad you like the categories. I am thinking it will at least be easier to link related stories this way.