Thursday, October 21, 2004

"Ah crap honey. The dog just exploded."

I have absolutely no clue where that thought just came from. I can say the thought caused me to run around my apartment (I want to call it a flat - just for fun) looking for an old notebook that we used to keep scores in while playing cards.

"Why?" Ask, seriously, it's okay. Even if you don't ask, I'm going to tell you.

I was looking for this notebook because Keem, Dana, Matt, and I would write down random half heard conversations from the restaurant where we played cards. We still do this occasionally. I'm trying to remember them. I want Dana to post her wireless commercial. I don't think she's done this one yet. Sorry, random.

So I'm sitting here trying to remember the overheard conversations (because I have no clue where the notebook is), and all I can remember is,

"Dude, I must have took them for at least two dollars worth of creamers." I think the people were talking about Wall-Drug.

I do remember laughing hysterically with Keem, Dana, and Matt. These are good thoughts.

Okay, who has more overheard conversations that made you smile? I want stories and I'm going to try and find this notebook!


At 7:46 AM, CarpeDM said...

Wait. Dog? What dog? I am confused.