Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I'm a dork

Well, it's official. I just wrote a paper talking about statistics and banking. Does it classify me as a dweeb because I found the topic interesting?

I found an article online that I had to review and discuss. The article tested to see if people want to get copies of their checks online. Someone actually had to do a study on this.

At least I finished my paper. I tried to be funny (didn't succeed much because it was a paper about checks and stats) and I did manage to keep it under the word count requirement (350-700 words). I had to cut out most of the fun parts to get below the word count. =(

And now I'm writing about this assignment in my blog. I am a dork! Oh well, I'm getting my degree (finally!) and I'm going to stick it out, no matter what it does to my reputation (which already represents me as a dork).

I have a weekly summary due tomorrow and then the first week is behind me! Only 4 to go! And then, NO MORE STATS! (I hope.)


At 8:10 AM, CarpeDM said...

I hope there will be no more stats soon. Poor Beth. This does not sound exciting. I would hate it.

At 8:55 AM, Matt said...

I hope that you get the stats out of your system soon, it is not cool when something makes my little sister feel this way. And for the record, to yourself you may be a dork, but to me (and a lot of other people) you are a fun loving, fun to be around, very beautiful person that we would never call a dork (unless you did warrant it)
Your Bro,