Monday, October 18, 2004

I'm Going Crazy

No, I'm not talking about THE BOY. I finally found something to take my mind away from the karaoke situation (which is good since I'm over-analyzing again and I don't want to do this - I am trying to avoid it, I swear).

What topic can bring my mind away from the joy of having a crush on a great looking guy?

Not a fun one.

I have this HORRIBLE assignment due for class and I'm not even close to finishing it. I may just take the hit and turn it in late.

There is a system where we are supposed to complete these exercises to learn topics dealing the basic math (which I mastered on the assessment), time series (I haven't gotten anywhere near this one yet), basic statistics (I'm over halfway through this one), correlation and regression (I tried this one and I'm so unbelieveably lost, it's ridiculous), and inferential statistics . The inferential statistics is what I'm supposed to complete. Except I can't even get to it until I finish the other sections!


So our teacher also told us to not use this system too much. So I didn't use it at all. I think I took his disregard for the learning tool too seriously and now I'm frantic.

I needed a study break, that's why I'm blogging. It was that or go bald from tearing out my hair. I don't think I would look good without hair - it works for Matt, he had a decent shaped head. On me, my ears would just stick out really far.

On a positive note, I went shopping today. I have no money until the next bonus check now, but I have new clothes. I even bought a wool jacket.

And I let the lady at Victoria's Secret talk me into a push-up bra. I'm insane. There must be one of those devices in the store that sucks the customer's brain out when they walk in. I have no need for a push-up bra. I try to make the slabs of fat hanging from my torso smaller, not larger!

But I got a couple of really cool shirts (accentuating the upper torso, loose-fitting for the lower torso) and with this bra, I'll look like I'm going to topple over. Maybe I'll wear this to karaoke on Sunday. It's not the red shirt (which, I'm sorry Larry, I haven't posted a picture yet. I have to do some cropping to take someone out of the photo before I do that), but it may draw attention. But if THE BOY sang the song he did last night, I'm not sure if attention is needed. Hmmm, well, it can't hurt, can it?

And spell check is not working. I'm sorry for any misspelled words, I just can't concentrate enough to find and fix them right now. Go away stats!

2 1/2 weeks left to go!


At 8:24 AM, CarpeDM said...

Poor Beth, poor, poor Beth. Stats are evil. I will be happy when they are over for you and you can move on to a subject that might be more fun. Like Dating 101.

At 8:25 AM, CarpeDM said...

Oh, wait, you're taking Business classes, aren't you? I'm thinking Dating 101 is not included in their roster.

At 8:30 PM, brooksba said...

No, it's not.

My next class will be an even better thrill factor. I'm taking a class that could be called, "How to use the Internet." I think we get to learn about how to type in searches and how to view a webpage. Yeah, an online school is making us take a class on how to use computers!

The degree is closer, I need to hold onto that thought.