Thursday, October 14, 2004

Can this week get any longer?

Why is it that weeks can fly by except for when I'm overly excited about seeing a cute boy again?

I would have thought the giddiness would have worn off by now, but no. I'm still thinking, "Cute boy, cute boy, cutey cutey cute boy!" while taking calls at work.

I actually ran into Adam at work today. I haven't seen him in a long time. I got to talk to him for a few minutes and I told him about THE BOY. I miss my old roommate. We used to talk for hours every single night.

Living alone is making me a little bit of a hermit. I'm starting to spend too much time in front of the computer (online classes can really do that to a person). Once this class is over, I'm taking a break and going out as much as possible for a solid week!

Is it Sunday yet? No. =( Should I wear a red shirt to karaoke? I'm not sure. THE BOY seemed to like looking me in the eyes so I'm not sure a red shirt would have an effect. I don't really want an effect on drunk guys, so I'm conflicted. I do need a picture though, I've promised Larry now.

So much to do, so many blogs to read, so many stories to tell. And the homework is calling. Do you hear it off in the distance? It's pull is still light, it is telling me, 'Work on me now. I know I'm not due until Saturday, but work on me nowwww.' It keeps getting fainter. I think I'm winning the battle. It will win the war though.

Cute boy hit on me! I couldn't resist.


At 5:37 AM, The Lioness said...

I vaguely remember that feeling, fancying someone. Need to get me to a meat market. ANYWAY, thanks for the URL! I'd tried it without the dashes and landed in some almost non-existent blog - with potential but no posts. And tell me - does everyone read everyone else's blog???

At 8:29 AM, CarpeDM said...

Lioness, I don't know if everyone reads everyone else's blogs meaning every blog out there, 'cause there are a lot of blogs. I do know that if Beth finds a good blog and tells me about it, I will check it out. If I like it, I'll go back. On the other hand, I have blogs that I've linked to that she doesn't read all the time either.

But, there are certain people out there who have a writing style we like and have stuff that we want to read about and amuse us. So we will read their blogs and feel the richer for having "met" them. You're one of those people, so is Firebear.

Beth, you are a dork. But I love you. I am indulgent over your gushing because I remember how patient you all were when I was going through the deep sigh and "He's so cute" phase.

You could wear the red shirt and let him rescue from the drunk guys. That would be fun. Friday is almost here and then there will be Sunday. Yay!

At 9:50 AM, Matt said...

I will hang at home on Sunday if you think that would be wise, because a red shirt is always VERY NICE-UH! (said in a horrible French accent-with accompying Oh ho ho at the end) Let me know, because I do not want the Cute Boy Cute Boy Cutey cutey cute Boy to think anything like the Perkins crew.....because that would dissuade him from flirting more. Let me know if you would please. Also it would not be such a bad idea for him to pass the red shirt test, I am not saying anything about him, but you should always check to see if he will pass that test. (Unless you really want him to fall under the spell of the red shirt, because then wearing it would be the right thing to do) I will talk to you later
Big Brother

At 2:31 PM, CarpeDM said...

Matt, you could be my fake boyfriend. Randall and I aren't talking anymore, what with him being dead and all.

I think the red shirt would be a good idea, just to a) see if he notices the glory of the red shirt but b) is able to resist it and still concentrate on your face.

At 3:54 PM, Firebear said...

Now this is a test he is going to fail! If he doesn't check out the red shirt, then he must not be interested, but if he does, then he is a pig. I tend to find cleavage hard to resist, but I try to be descreet. So make sure someone else is watching him. That way if he checks you out when you aren't looking, someone will notice and can report to you. "Yes, he looked at your boobs 5 times when you had looked at the TV screen. 3 times when you turned to talk to the waitress. And aleast 7 times when you were singing. Drolled 5 times, and when you bent over to pick up that pencil that fell on the floor, both his eyes popped out of their sockets in that "cartoon" lust way"
or something like that. Wow, I think i may have had too much coffee/tea to drink. (coftea? teffee?)