Monday, October 25, 2004

The shirt may not be red...

Here's the picture that made it to the blog tonight of myself.

The shirt is not red, but maybe the scope of the "rack" is shown in light here. Dana and I had a good time at karaoke, although there is not a major update.

Katie and Troy joined us for a couple of hours and it was great to spend time with them. We always love it when we get the opportunity to sit and chat.

It was a slow Sunday at The Chalet. Bryan, the jovial karaoke host, reminded us that the Vikings game was an afternoon one and it was a fairly decent October day here in Minnesota. This usually indicates a slow karaoke night. He actually waited until the World Series game 2 was over before starting the show up. I didn't mind, it was nice to sit and talk.

There was a table of people sitting behind us with a couple of good singers and a couple of not-so-good singers. One scary individual decided to sing a song about sex (Paradise By the Dashboard) which is quite long. He kept singing it as "Bashdoard" and the overly disturbing part was the fact he sang the song with his MOTHER! Um, maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't want to sing a 10+ minute song about having sex with one of my parents. Icky!

The scary individual also felt the need to touch me. He kept getting close to me and he grabbed my hand at one point. I wanted to scream. I pulled my hand away and got really uncomfortable when he started leaning into me. I have no interest what-so-ever in a random drunk guy trying to wipe his sweat onto me. It was gross.

The scary guy ended up getting into a fight with his sister and her boyfriend at the bar. Then he left. I was happy about that.

For those reading this to find a "THE BOY" update, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I am disappointed myself. He didn't show up.

After the long week of hoping, running at work, worrying about the next couple of days, and statistics, I really wanted to have a smile tonight. I found myself looking forward to seeing THE BOY more than I told myself and I am a little bummed right now. I'll get over it, there's no doubt about that.

I am tired and I just did about two hours worth of stats homework. I don't work again until Thursday and I hope these next couple of days will be fun. They are going to be hard for me. That's about all I can say right now about the subject.

On a positive note, I got presents today. My dad gave me a laser. I can mount it to a wall and hang pictures using the line. It even goes around corners. It is the coolest thing. The laser also comes with a laser tape measure that can give me the cubic measurements of any room. I have no need for either of these things, but they are so COOL!

The other gift I got is a necklace. I'm wearing it in the picture above. My parents took an opal (my birthstone) that my godmother gave me years ago and had it placed into a setting. The stone hangs on a chain that I'm pretty sure is white gold. It is a gift for my golden birthday.

I remember thinking when I was about 6 or 7 how cool my golden birthday would be. Birthdays are better when you're a kid. Now, it's just another day of the year, another way to mark the passing of time. I like individual days more and I just like spending time with my friends. I try to down-play my birthday each year and this year is no exception.

That's all folks. Enjoy the picture of Dana below too. She got a new shirt and a new bra and she walked with an air of confidence tonight. Thank you Dana for being so totally awesome and letting me sit in my funk. I needed a little of it tonight.


At 1:43 PM, Firebear said...


At 1:51 PM, The Lioness said...

I'll say it for you F.: dahling, I love your boobs, nice décoletage!!! I am in shock though, the other pic was so small i couldn't quite see your face so I filled in the blanks - wrongly! And i was looking at you and thinking: "Who is this person? What have they done to Beth??? Bring her back now!" Do you know, you could be Dutch! Nice fiery hair! V. pretty pic, yes indeed.

At 1:57 PM, The Lioness said...

Sorry, hell, I was so thrilled with the room w a view I forgot to add: it's a shame abt THE BOY. It'd have been a nice birthday present!

At 3:49 PM, brooksba said...

Firebear -
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for the Happy Birthday.

Lioness -

Thank you about THE BOY. I would have enjoyed it, but maybe next week.

About the being Dutch comment: I am from mixed decent but I'm a full 1/4 Swede. The rest are: German, English, a minute French, a minute Scottish, and then a long line that's been in America since the Revolutionary War. Since most of my ancestry is Northern European, I burn quickly in the sun and my eyes are overly sensitive to the sun.

I will post another picture of Dana (the one at the table) if she's okay with it. I caught it odd and she's not really smiling.

At 7:48 AM, CarpeDM said...

I too am sorry about THE BOY and would have commented yesterday but the phone rang and Keem wouldn't let me back on the computer again. My computer privledges were revoked! Dang it.

Yeah, go ahead with the picture.

At 9:25 AM, Firebear said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm Cleavage!
(had to say it, i couldn't hold it in anymore!)

At 11:35 PM, Matt said...


This is Matt, now I want you to know something before you read the rest of this, I am typing this as your friend, and not your brother, with that said....

THE BOY missed out on quite a NICE-UH show on Sunday. That new bra is amazing, and you looked absolutely gorgeous. Your "rack" was displayed quite nicely...I am surprised that there is not a story from karoke about THE HOST saying anything about it.

I would like to say that Uncle LArry is right, it is hard to comment about this without sounding too much like a pervert...the kind of family memebers that the children are supposed to stay away from.....


At 4:07 PM, Firebear said...

Yep, glad to see it isn't just me! thanks Matt!