Monday, October 25, 2004

Karaoke Update - Dana singing. This shirt is just lovely! Go Dana!


At 1:53 PM, The Lioness said...

DM, dahling, you think one day I'll be able to ACTUALLY SEE YOUR MOUTH??? There's always a microphone stuck there! Cool shirt, like the crisscrossing AND the colour!

At 5:04 PM, CarpeDM said...

Actually, it's not the mouth that is being blocked, it is the horrendous double chin that, with the dimple right in the middle of chin #1, seriously looks like God decided to say "Hey, Dana, it's not enough that your ass is the size of Kansas. You need to have another one on your face."

I have a feeling I'm going to get smacked for this comment. Okay, it's not that bad but sometimes, at a certain angle, it looks pretty weird. But for you, I will smile prettily without a microphone. Maybe next week.

At 11:37 PM, Matt said...


I don't think you have an ass face, I think it is quite beautiful. However, if you want to insist on calling your face an ass, the next time someone says "Hey Nice Ass!", you could look at them politely and thank them for completing your face.

Your Balnd and Insane Son,
