Monday, September 13, 2004


Today was a great day.

Dana, Keem, and I planned on going to the Como Zoo in Saint Paul, Minnesota for the day. After relentless pleas from Dana, (Can we go to the zoo? Can we go to the zoo? When are we going to the zoo? Can we go to the zoo? Zoo? Zoo? Zoo? Pl-leeeeaaazzze!) we finally made it to the zoo. I posted some pictures from the day.

The weather was fantastic. It was a little bit hot, but there was a strong wind gusting at us for the entire day. I'm sure we'll be developing the film soon and scrapbooking our day. I'll be honest, we look for things to do just so we can scrapbook them. It's a sick fascination.

I spent a couple hours at my dad's after the zoo. Nothing too crazy, just nice.

When I got home, I decided to start on a project Dana challenged me to last night at karaoke. She helped come up with an idea (most of it was hers) and told me to write the story. It's like an assignment. I came up with some notes on the characters (it's a murder-mystery) and I have a good idea of the plot now. I am in the middle of chapter three. That's about the time my stomach demanded I eat something.

I'm not going to post any parts of the story until I'm done with it. Dana knows what the story's basic plot is, but she's not aware of who the real killer is. I won't even tell her. I found the coolest website for naming characters tonight. We used a football game at karaoke to figure out the main characters' names last night, but I needed to add a couple tonight. The site I found was: Baby Names. It just worked.

For those who read my "Quick Update for Dana and Matt": I'm sorry for not explaining in detail what happened last night. Here's what happened and why I didn't explain it last night.

While we were at karaoke, I got up to use the restroom. On the way back, I realized I wasn't wearing the ring I wear every day. I know that when I wash my hands, my fingers get cold and the ring gets loose. I freaked out. This ring is my dad's wedding band and it's an important symbol in my life. I love my dad very much and this ring tends to symbolize my respect for him.

Since I had just gone to the bathroom, Dana and I went through the garbage can full of wet paper towels. Gross, yes. I kept the thought in my head that at least the towels were used once people had finished washing their hands.

Karaoke was over and it was time for the bar to close. Since this was the case, Bryan, was able to help look. Matt and Bryan went into the women's restroom and took apart the sink. They checked the U-Bend of the drain. The ring was not there.

Since the ring is so important to me, I started crying. I cried hard and made myself a little sick worrying about losing the ring.

We didn't find it at the bar. While driving Dana home, I started thinking about the last time I remembered having the ring on. I thought I had it on at karaoke, mainly because my hand feels weird without it. I remembered having it on during the day but then also realized I had put gel in my hair before karaoke. Dana and I kept hoping the ring was at my apartment.

When I finally got home, I ran into the bathroom to check the counter and my heart leapt. There was my ring. I was extremely relieved.

The reason I didn't explain all of this last night is because I was so emotionally unstable, I couldn't do much more than give a quick update to Dana and Matt. I knew Matt would go to work in the morning and maybe he'd check the site. I thought Dana might wake up before I did and was probably asleep before I got home, so I figured she might get the information that way. I want to thank both of you again for helping me look, even though the ring was at home.

That was my day.


At 4:13 AM, DeAnn said...

We're planning on taking me niece to the zoo for her fourth birthday in a little more than a week. I'm really excited (because it's also for MY birthday).

At 12:02 PM, CarpeDM said...

Ah, the zoo. The zoo is fun. I love the zoo and the zoo loves me. When can we go back?

I had a great time.