Wednesday, November 03, 2004

One More Day

I know the clock is showing that it is technically November 3, but to me, it's still Tuesday. That's because of the life schedule I keep. I never consider it the next day until I go to sleep.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 is the last day of my horrible statistics class.

Now, I like math. I do. I don't like stats. I have more paper sitting around my computer in a jumbled mess and I actually got so frustrated tonight doing my final that I just sat and cried for twenty minutes. Yes, that's right, I freaked out because of stats.

I think I only have four questions left to the final and then my final weekly summary to post. I did some strange calculations for the team project that I don't get. I have no idea why the number of teachers and the enrollment of students in some school district in California is important. But they seem to be related by the number 9. Who knew?

I still have no clue what that means.

If my final wasn't 15% of my grade, I think I'd just skip it. But then my internal motivation kicks in and tells me, "Beth, you KNOW you can't do that." And it's right. I can't. But I want to. Isn't that enough?

No, I guess it isn't.

I think my final summary is going to consist of: I don't get this at all. I hate stats. I understood the problems while I was doing them but the retention is gone. Don't test me. Please.

I bet my teacher wouldn't appreciate that much.

I could have one heck of a bonfire from all the paper I had to print from this class. I think I went through about $100 worth of ink for my printer. That sucks. I would have rather purchased the stupid textbook.

So, my next course, that starts 11/11, is Computers and Information Processing. From the catalog: This course introduces the fundamentals of computer systems and the role of information processing in today's business environment. An overview is presented of information systems, systems development, operating systems and programming, database management, networking and telecommunications, and the Internet.

One of the objectives of the class is to identify the hardware of a computer.

We go to school online!!! I hope to God everyone in this next class knows what a monitor and a CPU are. I'm hoping this next class will be a little easier than stats. It has to be. Nothing can be worse than stats. Except maybe brain surgery.

Ah, crap. The book is one that I can download again. I hate that. I need to go buy ink for my printer. Yucka.

I'm going to be celebrating the end of this headache class. I think that's the only thought that will help me through this final. (Which I'll probably turn in late. Ug!)

I'm going to bed. I'm grumpy and I'm having a crap-tacular week. At least work is going well and I'm looking forward to Friday night with the Sheepsheadians.


At 8:24 AM, CarpeDM said...

Oh, yuck. I'm so sorry, Beth. But really glad this horrible class is over for you. Hang it there. It's almost done.

At 9:22 AM, Matt said...

My Little Sister,
you are finally there, stats is done, for now, I hope you do not have to take that class again, that would truly Sucka! What are you planning on doing to celebrate your final? Let me know if it is anything that I might be able to do with you, like I don't know, coffee ro anything like that...I will talk to you later.

Your Big Brother,

At 11:30 AM, The Lioness said...

HAve you tried looking for your books at ebay auctions, amazon green (used but good) section or They have some much much cheaper books AND shipping used to be free in the US (*sniff*) for Maybe it still is. You could save loads, ink cartridges' prices are absolutely mad.