Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Waiting Game

I did it. I got up early (for me at least) and made it to the polls.

All the hype made me conscious of long lines at the polls so I arrived with an hour and a half of time to vote. It took exactly 3 minutes. And that's just because there were a lot of little ovals to fill in. There was absolutely no line when I got there.

So I came home and I'm killing 45 minutes (school work is also included in this time) that I could have been sleeping.

Does anyone think we'll even know the results tonight? I highly doubt it.

One person told me that Florida will probably take at least 3 days to give the results up.

I am just hoping.

Okay, I know it's political, but it's a fun joke. My mom told me this one:

What's the difference between Vietnam and Iraq?

Bush had a plan to get out of Vietnam.

I hope we know the results in the next day (which I doubt). I hope my vote counts.