Monday, January 24, 2005


Maybe I was born at the wrong time. Maybe my life has been fairly sheltered and maybe I'm just idealistic. Maybe I'm too optimistic and maybe I care too damn much. Maybe I was taught by my parents that everyone is equal. Maybe it would be easier to treat others unfairly because they are not exactly like me. And maybe the last statement would make me hate myself.

Maybe when I was a child and I was taught the Constitution, I read into it too literally. I truly believed at all men are created equal. I never read that as all white, rich, Christian, heterosexual men are created equal and all minorities must be pushed under the rug.

When it comes to politics, there really is only two issues I have beliefs strong enough to cause me to get emotional, worked up, pissed off, and vocal about. The issues are human rights and religion. As it turns out, religion tends to be the instigator of human rights issues. And that makes no sense to me. I don't understand why those who consider themselves religious can honestly look at another human being and say, "I'm better than you." To me, that goes against everything I've ever been taught in a church.

I am a little too upset to keep writing much of my own words on this subject right now. I wanted to share what I found in my inbox tonight:

Dear Beth,

The news broke early this morning: Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO) is reintroducing the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) on the Senate floor today – making it one of the first items of business in the first full week of President Bush’s second term.

In light of the many serious issues that our country is facing, it is absolutely outrageous that a small group of right-wing Senators would make discriminating against GLBT people their TOP priority right now.

But just as we did during the past two bouts with the Amendment last year, the Human Rights Campaign will fight them every step of the way. Here’s what you can do now to stop this hateful amendment -- again:

1) Write your Senators today. and urge them to oppose the newly reintroduced Marriage Protection Amendment and ANY efforts to put discrimination in our Constitution.

2) Follow up your e-mail with a phone call. After you’ve sent your e-mails, make a phone call to each of your Senators as well. You can call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senators' office.

Use your own words to let your Senators know about your opposition, or follow our script:
“My name is _________ and I live in the Senator’s state. I am calling to urge the Senator to oppose the so-called ‘Marriage Protection Amendment’ that will discriminate against same-sex couples. This amendment does nothing to ‘protect’ marriage. Instead, it singles out a group of people for discrimination in the United States Constitution. The Constitution has always been used to guarantee rights and freedoms, not to take them away. I strongly urge the Senator to oppose the amendment. Thank you."

Let us know what your Senators’ staff members say to you - click here to send us an e-mail. Thank you.

3) Spread the word. Our combined response must be loud and immediate. There is no doubt that the extreme right-wing has already begun mobilizing their activists. We must drown them out by being louder, larger, and more organized.

Click here to send this message to at least five friends now – especially in more conservative states where they need to hear from fair-minded Americans the most.

As you might guess, the legislators behind this amendment are responding to a small but vocal group of right wing individuals and organizations who try to discriminate against the GLBT community at every turn. It is the job of fair-minded Americans like us to tell them that they are wrong. Thank you for your immediate action today. We are glad you are with us, and urge you to stay tuned for news about what’s next.


Seth Kilbourn
National Field Director
Human Rights Campaign

I just don't understand discrimination. I don't understand why someone would treat someone unfairly just because of the person's race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or religion. I never will understand it.

I do know that not everyone shares my views on this subject. This is America and free speech is allowed. You have a right to your opinion. I just hope you have looked at the reasons why you've formed that opinion.


At 11:07 AM, CarpeDM thought...

I love this post, Beth. You know I'll be writing.

This is stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Oh. And if the world wasn't crazy enough, there is a major backlash against SpongeBob SquarePants because apparently Bob and his little friend Patrick hold hands. So the cartoon is promoting a gay lifestyle.

Should Bob beat the crap out of Patrick? Would that be manly?

The show has always annoyed me but now I'm about ready to start watching it to show my support to Bob's alternative lifestyle.