Monday, January 03, 2005

Too Many

On New Year's Day, I created two CDs of digital pictures. The reason why I created two CDs is because all the pictures I needed developed didn't fit on one disc. Once I made the discs, I went to Walgreen's (which I mentioned in a previous post).

The Walgreen's closest to my apartment has one of the machines I need to use, however it hasn't worked in over a year. I understand that technicians are slow, but isn't this a little ridiculous?

Since that Walgreen's never allows me to produce the results I'm looking for, I went to the next closest Walgreen's. I walk in and head directly to the digital photograph machine. It has a sign on in, "Out of Paper."

I refused to be foiled by this. I decided to try the Walgreen's in Fridley and I got the wonderful service there I've received EVERY time I've ever gone there. Seriously. The photo department of the Fridley Walgreen's is terrific! They are super friendly, helpful, and just plain knowledgeable. They are actually the reason I get my pictures developed at Walgreen's in the first place.

They were even nice to me when I developed 518 pictures on Saturday.

I kind of let the developing part of my picture taking slide for a bit.

I take too many pictures!!!

This weekend was spent scrapbooking (yes, it's a verb! At least, it's a verb to me!) Today I was trying to figure out the dates of a few pictures and noticed a problem. A couple of events from the summer seemed to be missing.

I opened up the "My Photos" folder on my computer and noticed a subfolder titled, "July and August 2004." I forgot to develop 2 months of pictures! Which means I had MORE THAN 518 pictures to develop. This is going to take me at least two weeks* to scrapbook!

*Note: I'm what you could call a "speed scrapper". I use a lot of tools that make cropping easy and I use different background paper to minimize how much I have to decorate pages. For my birthday, Keem and DM gave me this thing that is a little hard to explain. It's like a Lazy Susan but it holds stamp ink pads. I love it! I have an area of my apartment (which most would refer to as a dining room) that is set aside for all my scrapbooking and stamping stuff. It overflows a bit. My stamps are kept in those three drawer wheeled things and I can reach them easily. This helps me with speed.

Here are some recent pictures:

Okay, the links to the pictures won't work. Here's the site that they are posted on. It's just another blog that I use to post pictures to create links. I do this so I don't slow down the connection for those visiting. If you want to check out these pictures (and others I've linked to recently), visit: My Photos.

At Perkin's with Matt - he looks like an elf! I think it was classic considering Christmas was right around the corner!

Christmas at home - The pets were the center of attention.
Taco and Chip receive presents! - Yummy for them!
None of the links from this point on work. I think it has to do with the file names. I'm not sure though. Sorry.
Up Close and Personal with Mac
Mac kicks back
Smoke - He got a climbing post

New Year's Eve at Perkin's (Fridleykins!)
Keem smiles pretty
DM's first hat - Yes, that's a bowl on her head
DM's second attempt - Happy New Year sign
Keem laughs whole-heartily
Matt and Keem share laughter - The best way to ring in the new year: with friends and fun
DM is a tiger!
DM is thinking of Bobby pouring water
DM - Happiness


At 8:28 PM, Matt thought...

Why for not we see pictures???????? I am confuse-d by this. I wanted to see how the pictures turned out, I will try later and see if they turn out. Also I wanted to see if the picture of me from New Years also had giant man bobbies as did the elf didn't tell me that I have them, shame shame shame. Hope to see the pictures later, talk to you later tonight.
Big Brother

At 8:49 PM, CarpeDM thought...

I am also saddened by not being able to see the pictures.

Even though I saw the pictures when you took them.

How could you miss two months? Wow. That's crazy. We are truly junkies. Karaoke and Scrapbooking (verb! Verby very verb!)

At 1:58 AM, brooksba thought...


I can't get the links to work. This is disturbing. I put a link in the post to the blog where I have the pictures posted. Hope you enjoy!


At 8:39 AM, CarpeDM thought...

Very cool! Why is Keem so photogenic and I look horrible. It is not fair. Sob.