Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Happy Memory

After getting myself seriously pissed off (see post below), I decided to search my hard drive for some happy memories. I found the folder of pictures from the 2003 Fridley 49er Days Parade. I went to the parade with my mom, her boyfriend, Adam, DM, Keem, Matt, and Matt's kids, Alli, Vinnie, and Riley. These pictures were taken pre-digital camera day and they were scanned. The pixels show, but the general idea is there. I look back on this day (and night at the carnival where Scott joined us) and I smile. It is such a beautiful experience to watch children enjoy the same things that you formed your happiest childhood memories around.

The Original Sheepsheadians (Adam, Matt, Keem, Me, and DM)

Mafia Material?

To prove she's insane, here's my mom with a carrot sticking out of her pants. (I do love her, but she's NUTS.)
mom carrot

Matt's kids
3 kids

Alli (She is just beautiful)

Vinnie (Can you resist that smile?)

Riley ("Dad! Dad! Dad! Look!")
riley run

Being Five (I know Riley was only four in this picture, but he's the perpetual five-year old to me)
being five

Soaring High - This is one of my favorite pictures, ever. It shows such a moment of trust and freedom and to me it symbolizes the perfect father/son relationship.
Riley flies


At 9:00 AM, CarpeDM thought...

Oh! I love it! That picture of Riley and Matt is great! Many exclamations of joy! !!!!!!

I needed this. Thanks for the memories.

Although that is a horrid picture of me. Hey, let's buy the tightest t-shirt I can find and shove my stomach into it. I am surprised it didn't burst.

At 12:04 PM, The Lioness thought...

YEY, pics! And yes, the last one is simply fabulous!

At 4:39 PM, rod thought...

I love the evolving look of your blog. Thanks for the pics. Yes, that Father/son pic is magic. There is a lifetime captured there.
I really admire your devotion to and celebration of community. Most people have no idea how to love and enjoy other people. It is what emanates from your writing, your photos and your smiles.
Here's to you Sheepsheadians. You make me happy.

At 2:55 PM, Matt thought...

Little Sister,
You did it, I want to tell you that you did it, you made me cry looking at those pictures. It brought back so many happy memories for me, and that is the reason why I am crying. Not because I am sad, but because I was so damn happy. Looking at that picture and seeing the trust, the emotion, and the utter connection of father and son, and knowing that it is me and my little guy, it made me cry. Thank you for flooding my head with memories and emtotions, it made my day. I will forever remember that day, it was awesome. I hope that I talk to you later Little Sister, you take care.
Big Brother (With His Eyes Full of Tears)